06 May 2010

CSM5 schedule draft

June -September = 3 months

In this space of time I intend to spend many hours weekly collaborating songs with each other, sampling interesting sounds and building a sound pallet. Then moving on to constructing and composing the bulk of my repertoire for my 3rd year EP. I plan to record most of it using either sample based sounds or using my MBox to record live instruments.

However i am away for about a month this summer on holidays and at festivals e.t.c. and I am also moving house, so time will be sparse. This means that i will have to put in double the hours in the latter half of the summer so as to make sure my tracks are complete.

I also plan to intensely work on my production/mastering skills as they leave much to be required.

Providing my audio recordings go as planned i also plan to record a lot of my DVD content over the summer months ready for production and editing in October.

Summer school
September 6-10

Hopefully by this point i will have at least 5 or so tracks to present for analysis by tutors and peers, i can then receive feedback about them, allowing me to alter, remix and improve them.

Pre-production conclusion
September – October = 1 month

Further continuation of improvements and amendments, possibly experimenting with new MIDI instruments and tones on tracks seeing which sound richer.

Production 1
October – December – 2 months

Starting full time production of my chosen tracks, aiming to get one track done per week realistically. I also plan to use this time to record any DVD content that i intend filming in Newport, and finishing the whole shooting process.

1 month

I intend to review all my work at this point and evaluate any other improvements that can be made to it. I also plan to continue editing my DVD content and plan my DVDs artwork in this time.

Production 2
January – February = 1 month

I will use this time to make any final adjustments and remaster any work that requires it, but i ideally don't want to plan out this time to do anything majorly time consuming or heavy, because i would rather leave it as back up time in case I encounter any technical or unforseen difficulties earlier in my schedule.

February 4th 2011

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