Website Development

Website home page design

I've finished my first, and hopefully final draft of my website 'Home' page in Adobe Photoshop! My website will be mainly static, but with constant updates to my various other online presences, acting as a media hub for users to access my online media and textual content quickly and easily.

Here is what the website will hopefully look like:

Revised Draft

After editing my website in Adobe Dreamweaver i revised my sites home page to accommodate for my embedded Soundcloud player. Otherwise its design remains exactly the same:

Complete Re-design

After careful thought i have decided to completely change the architect and design of my website.

My original design was good, but didn't co-ordinate with the design of my blog or my artwork. With this new design, and using the logo and theme in all my other online artist sites; such as Myspace, Youtube and Twitter i hope to subliminally embed the image of my logo/artwork in my audiences minds, so that they immediately associate it with my music. Similar to how the MacDonald's giant yellow 'M' is used, because we immediately associate the image with the product.

Here is a snapshot of my new home page:


My website is now complete, online and functional. I am very pleased with the end result and intend to use it as a promotional tool for myself as an artist and continue to add more material and update the site, even post-CSM.