Project Proposal

CSM5 Proposal

My intention for my csm5 main project is primarily to make either an EP or possibly a full album depending on my progress and amount of material i can produce over the summer. Hopefully a full album though.

My album is going to be a combination of beat-driven fusion music, steady paced (around 110 BPM on average), and using lots of very funky/sleazy augmented chords with lots of soul and harmonies. Other tracks possibly using more picked, staccato, funk and hip hop rhythm on guitar or a synth harp possibly. I am going to try and sample and create many new instruments to do this, using interesting and rich sounds i hear on a day to day basis, building myself a personal sound pallet, which could also give my music a very unique sound, letting listeners associate certain samples and tones with my music and with me as an artist, giving it a musical persona of its own, similar to how we recognise a friends or family member's voice.

I intend some of the tracks to be vocalized with down tempo rap-like vocals, similar to those found on Aim's album 'Cold water music', either performed by myself or by collaborating with other artists.  Other tracks can then be more instrumental, acting as transition tracks. All of the tracks will have a 'less-is-more' feel to them, using warm full toned instruments and backing to create the effect of ambiance and texture, yet still using minimal samples and tracks, so as to create a very easy to remember or 'catchy' song for the audience. I would also like to make the album, or EP, one flowing piece of music with no breaks between tracks. Similar to the way in which trance compilation Cd's are mixed, except in my album i want the transitions to be more recognizable but nevertheless subtle and well thought. I mainly intend to use recorded tracks so i have ultimate control over timbre and rhythm. But also using various samples for more exotic instruments, and using various acapella samples.

If this method works this will present an interesting performance option for csm6, being able to mix live performance with DJ's and vocals. 

As for as distributing my music is concerned i would like to release my music as a DVD rather than CD, with an individual video for each track. Not necessarily a music video, but for some tracks maybe just a 'montage-making-of' video, showing various footage and pictures during the making of the particular track, and just filming things which have inspired my work at the time of production, such as friends, nights out and places i have been, and then sync-ing them with my track in a way that matches the visual with the audio, and that is entertaining. I will also include separate mp3 audio versions of my tracks on a separate CD included so people can still transfer my music onto mp3 players or play them in CD players. 

My first album will be titled 'What da funk?'. Or as an alternative it would most probably be self titled.

I think this method of distribution will be far more effective than just distributing an audio CD alone because this method gives the customer more incentive to buy the product because of the extra content available, rather than just illegally downloading or streaming the music alone. 

After its release i also then have the option to possibly release a second version of the album in the future, with alternate video material for each track, possibly linked to the first album's videos or continuing from them. I could also package the album with the alternative album artwork, which could then make the product be viewed as a collectable item. Meaning people would be buying the product as a tangible source of pleasure and entertainment and then would not have any need to download or stream the music. 

After releasing different versions of the album this could also builds a sense of community within its audience, giving people the opportunity of swapping, trading and comparing the different album versions. This method has been proven very effective as a selling point, which can be seen in such examples as the Nintendo Game-boy Pokemon phase. As unrelated as it may seem, the reason why the game was so successful and such a big seller was because there was different versions of the game available for purchase, making its audience feel like they were buying a game more personal to them, because of the choice of versions available to them. I hope this will have the same effect with my album.


For my csm6 performance i intend to perform a selection of my tracks with live vocals and with other specific live instrument parts depending on the track being performed with a backing track hopefully being mixed by an experienced DJ.

I think this method of performance is much more entertaining than just having my track played  with visuals alone, because it gives the audience a figure to follow on stage and is more engaging than just watching a screen or just listening, making the experience more of a 'performance' piece.
My visuals can then be a large collage of the videos i mentioned from my DVD arranged in tiles all playing spontaneously, hopefully sequentially being triggered by midi using max/msp or Processing. As well as these video clips i intend using some high key minimal lighting, such as spot lights and floods. I also plan to trigger these visuals using Processing or max/msp.